University of Wisconsin–Madison

University of Wisconsin–Madison

The University of Wisconsin is a top-ranked research institution located in Madison, Wisconsin, providing exceptional education opportunities to undergraduates, gradua...


The University of Wisconsin is a top-ranked research institution located in Madison, Wisconsin, providing exceptional education opportunities to undergraduates, graduate and professional students.

UW-Madison is a top public university ranked #10 overall and #1 for producing Peace Corps volunteers (2020). It is home to 20 Nobel Prize winners across many fields.

UW-Madison offers a wide range of academic programs with over 300 majors, certificates, and professional degrees. It provides world-class research opportunities across disciplines. Some research highlights include discovering stem cells, studying the origins of life in South Africa, and exploring cosmic rays at the South Pole.

The university has an enrollment of over 30,000 undergraduate students and over 11,000 graduate and professional students. It is located in Madison, Wisconsin, which provides a vibrant and diverse community.

UW-Madison is guided by the Wisconsin Idea of public service and community engagement. It is committed to diversity, equity and inclusion, free expression, and maintaining a safe and accessible campus.

Notable resources and information:

  • Visit campus virtually or in-person
  • View the academic calendar
  • Find contact information, facts, figures, and more
  • Information for parents, international students, alumni, faculty, staff, and other groups
  • Apply for admission
  • Learn about convocation, athletics, student life, and Badger traditions

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University of Wisconsin–Madison



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