adidas Group

adidas’ Corporate Website f...


adidas’ Corporate Website features all information about the latest adidas news, investor relations updates, our sustainability approach, and careers at adidas. Through sport, we have the power to change lives.

Adidas Group – Enhancing Sports Performance and Sustainability

Adidas Group is a leading global sports apparel and footwear company that aims to inspire and enable athletes and sports enthusiasts to achieve their full potential. With a strong commitment to sustainability and corporate responsibility, Adidas Group strives to make a positive impact on the environment, communities, and the people it serves.

Adidas Group is a renowned sports company with a rich history and a diverse range of high-quality products. Through constant innovation and a deep understanding of athletes’ needs, Adidas Group offers performance-driven sportswear, footwear, and accessories that empower individuals to excel in their chosen sports.

Adidas Group’s strategy revolves around creating a sustainable and profitable future. By focusing on key growth areas, such as North America, Greater China, and e-commerce, the company aims to strengthen its market presence and deliver exceptional experiences to consumers. Innovation, design, and consumer engagement play vital roles in driving the company’s growth strategy.

Executive Board:
The executive board of Adidas Group consists of highly experienced and dedicated professionals who bring a wealth of expertise in sports, business, and brand management. Led by the CEO, the executive board is responsible for guiding the company’s strategic direction, overseeing operations, and ensuring long-term success.

Supervisory Board:
The supervisory board of Adidas Group provides oversight and guidance to the executive board. Comprising independent members, employee representatives, and shareholder representatives, the supervisory board plays a crucial role in safeguarding the company’s interests and ensuring compliance with legal and ethical standards.

With a heritage dating back to 1924, Adidas Group has evolved into a global leader in the sports industry. From its humble beginnings in Germany, the company has expanded its presence worldwide, establishing itself as a trusted brand that is synonymous with performance, quality, and innovation.

Adidas Group’s headquarters is located in Herzogenaurach, Germany. This state-of-the-art facility serves as the central hub for the company’s global operations, including research and development, design, marketing, and corporate functions.

For inquiries or more information about Adidas Group, individuals can get in touch with the company through its official website. The website provides contact details and online forms for various inquiries, ensuring efficient communication between Adidas Group and its stakeholders.

Engagement with Stakeholders:
Adidas Group values its relationship with stakeholders and actively engages with them to foster collaboration and address key issues. Through open dialogue, the company seeks to understand and respond to the needs and expectations of customers, employees, suppliers, investors, communities, and other stakeholders.

Recognition and History:
Over the years, Adidas Group has received numerous accolades and recognition for its achievements in sports performance, sustainability, and corporate responsibility. The company’s commitment to innovation, design, and social impact has earned it a reputation as a leader in the sports industry.

Climate Change and Decarbonization:
Adidas Group is committed to combatting climate change and reducing its carbon footprint. The company has set ambitious targets to achieve carbon neutrality in its own operations and supply chain. By investing in renewable energy, energy-efficient technologies, and sustainable practices, Adidas Group aims to minimize its environmental impact.

More Sustainable Materials and Circular Services:
Adidas Group is dedicated to developing and utilizing sustainable materials throughout its product range. By prioritizing recycled materials, organic cotton, and alternative manufacturing methods, the company aims to reduce waste and promote a more circular economy.

Chemicals and Water:
To ensure the safety of its products and protect water resources, Adidas Group maintains strict chemical management and water stewardship practices. The company actively seeks alternatives to harmful chemicals and implements responsible water usage strategies throughout its supply chain.

Adidas Group recognizes the importance of biodiversity conservation and aims to minimize its impact on ecosystems. By promoting sustainable sourcing practices, responsible land

  • 公司名称法定代表人注册资本注册时间
  • 阿迪达斯(苏州)有限公司GILANDRECHARLESRENESTEYAERT 361万美元1997-12-15
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