

Headquartered in Shanghai International Financial Center in Lujiazui, Wind Information Co., Ltd. is a leading company in financial software services. Wind is a leading...


Headquartered in Shanghai International Financial Center in Lujiazui, Wind Information Co., Ltd. is a leading company in financial software services. Wind is a leading provider of financial information services in China, and an indispensable partner for lots of securities companies, fund management corporations, insurance companies, banks, investment firms, and media. Globally, Wind is also favored by widely used by qualified foreign institutional investors (QFII) approved by China Securities Regulatory Commission. Wind’s clients also include well-known financial academic research institutions and media agencies. Wind’s data is also frequently cited by authoritative Chinese and English media, research reports, and academic papers. In the field of financial data, Wind has built a complete and accurate large-scale financial engineering and financial data center on financial and securities data in China. Wind’s data covers stocks, bonds, funds, foreign exchange, financial derivatives, commodities, macroeconomics, and financial news. Wind meets the needs of institutional investors by timely update. To satisfy different clients in financial industry such as investment institutions, research institutions, academic institutions, and regulatory agencies, Wind has developed a series of professional analysis software and application tools for information retrieval, data extraction and analysis, and investment portfolio management applications. Through these terminal tools, users can obtain timely, accurate and complete financial data, information and various analysis results from Wind on a 24x7x365 basis. Wind closely follows the ever-changing financial market and continues to develop and extend into new areas, providing customers with faster, broader, and deeper data and information services. Sharing the value of data, Wind has the vision to be a global company that makes data available at your fingertips.



  • Wind金融终端:WFT是一个聚焦国金融数据和信息于一身的综合平台。它提供全面的金融数据,协助用户获取市场行情、公司信息、基金数据等。

  • 资产管理解决方案:这是一个面向买方研究和投资的综合专业解决方案。它协助资产管理人员进行研究分析、投资决策和风险管理。

  • 风险管理:Wind资讯提供的企业银行解决方案可以协助企业管理和控制风险,提高效率和盈利能力。


  • 商业指数:Wind资讯提供多种市场风格指数,包括Wind全A指数、Wind创业板和科创板指数、Wind A50指数等。这些指数可以协助投资者了解不同市场的表现。

  • 概念指数:Wind资讯提供多个概念指数,如Wind茅台概念指数、Wind宁德时代概念指数、Wind资源概念指数等。这些指数可以协助投资者跟踪不同概念的股票表现。

  • 主题指数:Wind资讯提供多个主题指数,如Wind基金前30指数、Wind基金前200指数、Wind生物科技指数等。这些指数可以协助投资者追踪特定主题的投资机会。

  • 可持续发展指数:Wind资讯提供多个可持续发展指数,如Wind全A可持续发展指数、Wind碳中和指数、Wind创业板和科创板可持续发展指数等。这些指数可以协助投资者了解公司的环境、社会和治理表现。


  • 数据库:Wind资讯提供全面的经济数据库、产品和供应链数据库、全球企业库、Wind健康医疗数据库等。这些数据库包含丰富的数据,协助用户进行研究和分析。

  • 服务器API:Wind资讯提供服务器API,使开发人员可以获取实时行情、公司数据等信息。

  • 公司ESG评级:Wind资讯提供公司的环境、社会和治理评





本站血鸟导航提供的Wind资讯相关数据内容都来源于网络或站长收集,不保证外部链接和内容的准确性和完整性,同时,对于该外部链接的指向,不由血鸟导航实际控制,在2023年5月17日 下午5:45收录时,该网页上的内容,都属于合规合法,后期网页的内容如出现违规或不对称,欢迎联系我们邮箱进行删除或更改,血鸟导航不承担任何责任。



Headquartered in Shanghai International Financial Center in Lujiazui, Wind Information Co., Ltd. is a leading company in financial software services. Wind is a leading provider of financial information services in China, and an indispensable partner for lots of securities companies, fund management corporations, insurance companies, banks, investment firms, and media. Globally, Wind is also favored by widely used by qualified foreign institutional investors (QFII) approved by China Securities Regulatory Commission. Wind’s clients also include well-known financial academic research institutions and media agencies. Wind’s data is also frequently cited by authoritative Chinese and English media, research reports, and academic papers. In the field of financial data, Wind has built a complete and accurate large-scale financial engineering and financial data center on financial and securities data in China. Wind’s data covers stocks, bonds, funds, foreign exchange, financial derivatives, commodities, macroeconomics, and financial news. Wind meets the needs of institutional investors by timely update. To satisfy different clients in financial industry such as investment institutions, research institutions, academic institutions, and regulatory agencies, Wind has developed a series of professional analysis software and application tools for information retrieval, data extraction and analysis, and investment portfolio management applications. Through these terminal tools, users can obtain timely, accurate and complete financial data, information and various analysis results from Wind on a 24x7x365 basis. Wind closely follows the ever-changing financial market and continues to develop and extend into new areas, providing customers with faster, broader, and deeper data and information services. Sharing the value of data, Wind has the vision to be a global company that makes data available at your fingertips.


Headquartered in Shanghai International Financial Center in Lujiazui, Wind Information Co., Ltd. is a leading company in financial software services. Wind is a leading provider of financial information services in China, and an indispensable partner for lots of securities companies, fund management corporations, insurance companies, banks, investment firms, and media. Globally, Wind is also favored by widely used by qualified foreign institutional investors (QFII) approved by China Securities Regulatory Commission. Wind’s clients also include well-known financial academic research institutions and media agencies. Wind’s data is also frequently cited by authoritative Chinese and English media, research reports, and academic papers. In the field of financial data, Wind has built a complete and accurate large-scale financial engineering and financial data center on financial and securities data in China. Wind’s data covers stocks, bonds, funds, foreign exchange, financial derivatives, commodities, macroeconomics, and financial news. Wind meets the needs of institutional investors by timely update. To satisfy different clients in financial industry such as investment institutions, research institutions, academic institutions, and regulatory agencies, Wind has developed a series of professional analysis software and application tools for information retrieval, data extraction and analysis, and investment portfolio management applications. Through these terminal tools, users can obtain timely, accurate and complete financial data, information and various analysis results from Wind on a 24x7x365 basis. Wind closely follows the ever-changing financial market and continues to develop and extend into new areas, providing customers with faster, broader, and deeper data and information services. Sharing the value of data, Wind has the vision to be a global company that makes data available at your fingertips.


Headquartered in Shanghai International Financial Center in Lujiazui, Wind Information Co., Ltd. is a leading company in financial software services. Wind is a leading provider of financial information services in China, and an indispensable partner for lots of securities companies, fund management corporations, insurance companies, banks, investment firms, and media. Globally, Wind is also favored by widely used by qualified foreign institutional investors (QFII) approved by China Securities Regulatory Commission. Wind’s clients also include well-known financial academic research institutions and media agencies. Wind’s data is also frequently cited by authoritative Chinese and English media, research reports, and academic papers. In the field of financial data, Wind has built a complete and accurate large-scale financial engineering and financial data center on financial and securities data in China. Wind’s data covers stocks, bonds, funds, foreign exchange, financial derivatives, commodities, macroeconomics, and financial news. Wind meets the needs of institutional investors by timely update. To satisfy different clients in financial industry such as investment institutions, research institutions, academic institutions, and regulatory agencies, Wind has developed a series of professional analysis software and application tools for information retrieval, data extraction and analysis, and investment portfolio management applications. Through these terminal tools, users can obtain timely, accurate and complete financial data, information and various analysis results from Wind on a 24x7x365 basis. Wind closely follows the ever-changing financial market and continues to develop and extend into new areas, providing customers with faster, broader, and deeper data and information services. Sharing the value of data, Wind has the vision to be a global company that makes data available at your fingertips.

