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This report card marks the constitution of China’s economy: Global Times editorial Manila’s attempt to rally external forces on S.China Sea issue will only backfire GT Voice: State secrets law revision not in conflict with opening-up China urges immediate cease-fire after attacks on Gaza aid-seekers kill 112 China hits back at EP report’s ‘outrageous’ remarks on Taiwan island Amendment (XII) to the Criminal Law officially implemented, to increase the punishment of bribery

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Marcos adopts tough China stance in Canberra, ‘to drag ally into provocative strategy’ GraphicAnalysis: ‘Next China’ is still China Putin ‘projects confidence’ over war in Ukraine, Russia’s economic growth China reports ‘hard-won’ economic results for 2023, as two sessions to focus on continued recovery China, Thailand visa-exemption agreement takes effect; more Thai tourists expected to visit China

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It is diplomatically inappropriate for US president to verbally attack another country’s president China stages strong dissatisfaction, firm opposition against US latest remarks on Article 23 legislation: FM China’s emergency management authority warns of complicated natural disaster risks in March Pet Expo opens in Beijing Things to know about China’s Two Sessions

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